SS:6/10 Hey, welcome back Agent Coulson, Fury’s left or right eye (even the cast don’t which eye should be blind according to the former movies) and Lee Pace’s blue face.

Captain Marvel, the first female superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and also the first Marvel movie in 2019, it sure is so highly anticipated. And, as usual, Marvel not very much let you down. The whole movie have a very clear story line, the journey of Carol finding her true self combine with classic been lied and revenge story.

However, the story of finding her true self is pretty weak, feeling like not strong enough to be the main storyline of the whole movie. The reason behind this is that the main character is made into a god just like the last movie I watched, Alita. A god-like character not only makes the villain role be inferior but also weaken the protagonist’s story.

As the first Marvel female character, Captain Marvel this movie is not bad but also can’t say it is a good movie either. I totally understand that the director and the actresses want to use this movie to show how powerful could female be, just like male and even better. From this point, this movie did it and even better than Wonder Woman, which I truly appreciate that, but from the movie and art prospective, this movie still has a lot for improvement.

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