7 out of 10

As a historical feature film, it is important to choose the right part from the whole story. Robert The Bruce has a lot of stories to tell in his life. It is certain that if a film wants to tell his story, it must talk about he leads Scottish independence. But from which time frame of his life to start telling his story is the main question should be considered.

The producer chose to start from 1299 is a good choice. The story will not make the film out of focus because of the failure of the previous war, but also succinctly explain the background of the story.

However, the story still too big and long to tell which make the audience feel that the movie is incomprehensible.

The director’s love for the blood battle scene has made the film has great part description of blood and sword.

And at last feeling so excited when I found out I am studying at the this film set. This film set few scene in University of Glasgow and use the Glasgow Cathedral as well.

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